
The First Trailer’s Out For The NEW Fantastic Four


the thing cries

(Photo credit: Daniel Sempertegul)

Fangirl squee!!!  The First Trailer’s Out For The NEW Fantastic Four.

Let’s be honest-I like Jessica Alba as much as the next person, but the first attempt at Fantastic Four was…well…dismal. Cheesy.


new fantastic four

(Photo credit: Alljah Villlan)

The new Fantastic Four casting is interesting- Kate Mara as the Invisible Woman and looking really stressed out in the trailer. Jamie Bell as The Thing? Huh. Miles Teller as Mr. Fantastic…and Michael B Jordan as the Human Torch. And if you’re expecting big and cheerful, scale back. This looks more a like grim Christopher Nolan-esque style. There’s lots of scary-looking lights and explosions and a ponderous narrator droning on about “humanity.” But you KNOW it’s going to be freaking awesome!

Here’s the first peek-take a look:

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