The bar that a word has to clear to get into the dictionary seems to keep getting lower and lower. Earlier this month, Merriam-Webster added words like “face palm,” “throw shade,” and “weak sauce.”
Well . . . not to be outdone, Oxford Dictionaries just announced a whole bunch of stupid words THEY’RE adding. Here are some of their choices . . .
1. cat lady, “an older woman who lives alone with a large number of cats, to which she is thought to be obsessively devoted.”
2. craptacular, “remarkably poor or disappointing.”
3. drink the haterade, “indulge in excessively negative, critical, or resentful behavior.”
4. drunk text, “a text message sent while drunk, typically embarrassing or foolish.”
5. jelly, “jealous.”
6. sausage party, “an event or group in which the majority of the participants are male.”
7. squad goals, “a person or thing seen as a model to aspire to or emulate, especially with one’s friends.”
8. yas, “expressing great pleasure or excitement.”