Rewind 100.7 is your key!
The Cutrubus Automotive Team wants to give away 20 cars this Memorial Day. Join Rewind 100.7 on Saturday, May 25th, at Wasatch Front Kia in Riverdale from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM for your chance to qualify!
Cutrubus Automotive A-L-L-W-I-N Dice Roll Contest
Promotion Period: Contest registration is scheduled to take place on 5/23/2019, 5/24/2019, and 5/25/2019 at participating Cutrubus Automotive dealership locations – see below (the “Registration Period”). The grand prize contest event is scheduled to occur on 5/27/2019 at participating Cutrubus Automotive dealership locations. The contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations and is void outside of UT, and wherever prohibited or restricted by law.
Who May Enter: Contest is open to legal U.S. residents, who reside within 250 miles of Layton, UT and are age 18 or older as of date of entry with a valid driver’s license, except the following classes of persons who are not eligible to enter:
a. Employees, officers, and directors of Cutrubus Automotive Team (“Administrator”/“Sponsor”), each of their respective franchisees, affiliated companies, subsidiaries, distributors, retailers, printers, advertising and promotion agencies, and any and all other companies associated with the design or execution of this contest (collectively, “Released Parties”) and the members of the immediate families or households of any of the above, whether or not related. “Immediate family members” includes, for purposes of this contest, parents (including in-laws), grandparents, siblings (including step-siblings), children (including step-children), grand children (including step grandchildren) and each of their respective spouses.
b. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be present to register during the Registration Period or participate in the grand prize contest event on 5/27/2019.
How to Enter – Register to Win: Consumers may either redeem the mail piece which was distributed to them for this contest by Sponsor at a Cutrubus Automotive dealership during the Registration Period, or they may request an entry into the contest at Cutrubus Automotive during the Registration Period.
Participating Cutrubus Automotive dealership locations:
Layton Hills Mall
1076 Layton Hills Mall
Layton, UT 84041
Wasatch Front Kia
770 W Riverdale Rd
Ogden, UT 84405
Registration Event Date Daily Prize Winners
per dealership location
(see list of Daily Prizes available at participating dealer locations) Grand Prize Finalists
per dealership location
5/23/2019 1 3*
5/24/2019 1 3*
5/25/2019 1 4*
* Includes Daily Prize Winner as one of the Grand Prize Finalists
Incomplete or illegible entries will be disqualified. Released Parties are not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, illegible, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, damaged, or for lost or stolen entries boxes, or for entries submitted in a manner that is not expressly allowed under these rules, or for any entry not submitted or received due to any technical error or failure, unauthorized human intervention, inaccurate capture or mis-entry of any required information, or the failure to capture any such information or effects of hackers or failure of any electronic equipment, computer or cellular transmissions and/or network connections; all of which will be disqualified.
Each participant must submit an entry on his/her own behalf. Any entry submitted on behalf of another individual will be disqualified and ineligible to claim any prize. No mechanically reproduced or automated entries permitted. Use of any automated system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification and all such entries will be deemed void.
Maximum of one (1) entry per person per location. Any contestant submitting more than one entry per location will void all entries by that contestant. Released Parties are not responsible for entries that are lost, late, misdirected, illegible, incomplete, inaccurate, damaged, or for lost or stolen entry boxes or for entries submitted in a manner that is not expressly allowed under these rules. All such entries will be automatically void. All entries received become the property of the Sponsor and will not be returned
Finalist Selection & Notification: (20) Finalists – A random drawing will be held at each registration event (see schedule of selecting Grand Prize Finalists above) from all eligible entries received at each participating registration location to select a combined total of (10) finalists per participating Cutrubus Automotive dealership location (each a “Grand Prize Finalist”). The selected finalist’s name will be announced by the Administrator. The eligible finalists must be present at the time of their selection and announcement in order to be eligible to participate in the grand prize contest (see below). The Administrator will announce the names selected two times over a 1-minute period. The selected finalists must immediately make their presence known to the Administrator at the time of their name announcement, in a time period solely determined by Administrator. Any finalist who fails to make their presence known, or who is not present at the time of their selection and announcement will be disqualified. An alternate finalist will then be selected from all remaining eligible entries received and notified per the procedures outlined above.
Any selected contestant who does not meet the eligibility requirements, does not wish to participate in the grand prize contest, or who is unable or unwilling to attend the grand prize event will be disqualified. Decisions of Administrator in the selection of contestants, and all matters related to this contest are final.
Selected contestants must be present at the date, time and corresponding Cutrubus Automotive dealership location as specified by Administrator to participate in the grand prize contest:
Grand Prize
Event Date Cutrubus Automotive dealer location Time of Event Finalist Check-In Time
5/27/2019 Wasatch Front Kia 11am – 1pm MT Between ~ 11am – 11:30am MT
5/27/2019 Layton Hills Mall 2pm – 3pm MT Between ~ 2pm – 2:30pm MT
Any contestant who fails to appear by the required deadline as determined by Sponsor will be disqualified and will not receive any alternate contest attempts, prize, prize substitution or compensation. The Sponsor appointed administrator shall be the sole time keeper and shall determine in its sole discretion if a finalist has checked-in by the required registration deadline. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to change the date, time or location of the grand prize contest. Pre-selected contestants will be notified of any changes at the time of their selection and/or notification.
Contestant selection and participation is non-transferable. No other individual may participate on behalf of a selected contestant. Difficulties with getting to location to enter or participate in the contest are not the responsibility of Sponsor or Administrator.
Grand Prize Contest (2 total): There will be two (2) Grand Prize contest events, each unique to each other. In the event of a winning occurrence, only the Grand Prize Finalists who are assigned to the dealership location which produced a winning occurrence and who are present at the time of the winning occurrence (maximum of 10 Grand Prize Finalists) will have an opportunity to claim their share of the Grand Prize (i.e. the results at one grand prize event location do not affect the outcome or results at either of the other two grand prize events).
In order for a grand prize to be awarded, an eligible contestant must print and sign their full name on the first unoccupied line of the provided official contestant registration form prior to their dice roll attempt. Each contestant will receive a maximum of one (1) dice roll attempt. Eligible contestants will roll in an order as determined solely by the Administrator. Each eligible contestant must roll all 6 dice provided by Administrator and have each die come to rest with the predetermined winning side face up, on a single roll attempt. The winning symbols for this contest are: A-L-L-W-I-N.
Eligible dice roll attempt requirements
• All dice roll attempts must occur in the presence of the Administrator, and must be recorded on video tape in its entirety. Any dice roll attempt not in the presence of the Administrator, or that is not videotaped for any reason will be disqualified and is not eligible for the grand prize;
• Contestants will not be permitted to take any practice or warm-up tosses prior to their attempt. Once a die has been rolled, their attempt is considered to be started.
• Each eligible contestant must roll all 6 dice all at one time. Contestants may not attempt to change the outcome of any rolled die, by hitting the die with a subsequent roll attempt;
• All (6) dice must be rolled on each individual contest attempt. The winning outcome must occur during a single roll attempt – i.e. contestants may not combine letters during multiple roll attempts. Each roll is its own unique contest attempt, and the (6) winning letters must all land face-up on a single roll.
• Each die must be tossed in a completely random manner that does not allow the contestant to “set” or “slide” the dice, alter or influence the random outcome of the roll;
• Each die must be rolled a minimum of 2-feet in distance from the contestant, in order to prevent the contestant from altering, affecting, influencing, or enhancing the random outcome of any roll. The Administrator will designate the demarcation line that each die must cross during the roll;
• All dice must come to rest lying flat;
• All dice must land on and remain on the designated dice rolling surface;
• No rolled die may come in contact with any person or object other than the designated rolling surfaces or walls.
• If any die comes in contact with another person or object (other than the dice roll surface or designated walls or backstop) for any reason; or if any person or object in any way interferes, alters, changes, influences or affects the random outcome of the roll, then the entire attempt is disqualified and the contestant may not receive another attempt.
The following will result in the contestant being required to re-roll their entire dice roll attempt:
If any of the following outcomes occur, that dice roll attempt is disqualified and the contestant will be granted a maximum of one re-roll attempt (the contestant must re-roll all 6 dice):
• If the Administrator deems that any die has failed to cross the dice roll demarcation line;
• If any die is leaning in any manner;
• If any die leaves the designated dice roll playing surface;
• If any contestant inadvertently drops a die as they are preparing to roll, and the dropped die does not meet the eligible dice roll requirements as stated in the contest rules.
In all circumstances, an eligible contestant may have a maximum of one re-roll attempt. In the event of a second ineligible dice roll, their entire dice roll attempt will be disqualified and the contestant will not be eligible for any prize claim regardless of the outcome of their roll.
In the event any Grand Prize Finalist is not present by the required deadline to participate in the Contest, Sponsor reserves the right to conduct ‘celebrity roll’ attempts for any unused dice roll attempts (up to a maximum total of 9 total attempts) (the ‘Celebrity Roll’). In the event of a winning roll attempt during a ‘celebrity attempt’ as required per the terms and conditions of this contract, then each eligible Grand Prize Finalist who is actually present at the time of the Celebrity Roll will be eligible to receive their portion of the Grand Prize (see below).
Prize Awards & Delivery:
Grand Prize – In the event of a successful grand prize dice roll (A-L-L-W-I-N):
In the event of a successful dice roll attempt by any eligible contestant or during the Celebrity Roll, then the grand prize will be awarded subject to verification and compliance with these Official Rules. The grand prize award is as follows:
• Roller (maximum of 1)– The eligible contestant who actually successfully completes the grand prize dice roll contest requirements will be awarded a 2-year (24-month) prepaid lease on a designated vehicle from Cutrubus Automotive, with a maximum annual mileage allowance of 10,000 miles (20,000 total miles) and a maximum 2-year prepaid lease value not to exceed $10,000 ($416.67 per month). Winner is solely responsible for any excess wear and tear and overage costs for exceeding maximum mileage allowance per terms of prepaid lease agreement.
• Remaining Finalists (maximum of 9) – Each of the remaining eligible finalists who are actually present (up to 9 contestants) for the grand prize event and winning occurrence will be also be awarded a 2-year (24-month) prepaid lease on a designated vehicle from Cutrubus Automotive, with a maximum annual mileage allowance of 10,000 miles (20,000 total miles) and a maximum 2-year prepaid lease value not to exceed $10,000 ($416.67 per month). Winner is solely responsible for any excess wear and tear and overage costs for exceeding maximum mileage allowance per terms of prepaid lease agreement.
In order to accept the grand prize 2-year (24-month) prepaid lease award, the prize winner(s) must qualify for a standard 2-year pre-paid lease term per manufacturer credit requirements, must sign all lease agreement paperwork, must present valid proof of insurance, and comply or complete with any other requirements or paperwork to be eligible for the terms of a 2-year prepaid lease per manufacturer credit or State requirements. If the winner is unable to qualify for the lease, Sponsor shall award the winner the Prize Buyout Option per the terms above.
Each eligible prize winner, if any, will receive their grand prize award within approximately 90 days from the date in which the grand prize contest has been successfully completed. All prize winners being awarded a 2-year (24-month) prepaid lease must accept delivery of prize vehicle from Sponsor designated dealer, or as otherwise specified by Sponsor. Sponsor will solely designate and specify available vehicle including make, model, color and options for winner’s prize award. Winner may not substitute, exchange, or apply the vehicle’s lease value towards a higher cost or alternate vehicle. Designated vehicle must be the Sponsor designated vehicle that is currently in designated dealer’s stock of inventory. Administrator reserves the right to award an alternate year model (i.e. 2017), if the 2018 model is not available at the time of prize award. Prize winner is responsible for paying any and all sales tax on prize award at time of delivery. All other costs and expenses related to prize acceptance and use not specified herein as being provided are the sole responsibility of winner, including but not limited to tax, title, insurance, license and registration fees. Prizes are non-transferable and no cash redemption or prize substitution allowed, except at sponsor’s sole discretion or as provided herein. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value if an advertised prize becomes unavailable. Other restrictions may apply. All properly claimed prizes will be awarded. Any unclaimed prizes will not be awarded, except as provided herein.
A maximum of (1) grand prize will be awarded per dealer location (maximum of 2 grand prizes available), based upon an eligible contestant successfully completing the grand prize dice roll contest requirements at a dealership location. The contest is immediately concluded at a dealer location following the first successful grand prize dice roll contest attempt, regardless of the number of finalists remaining who have not participated in their contest attempt a the participating dealership location. Only contestants assigned to and participating at the dealer location where the grand prize winning roll occurred will be eligible for the Grand Prize. In the event there is no eligible contestant at any participating dealership who successfully completes the grand prize winning requirements according to these official rules, then the grand prize will not be awarded.
Bonus Prize: The Sponsor appointed administrator shall determine which contestant rolled the most winning sides during their grand prize attempt at each of the two (2) dealer locations (per the ‘Roll-Off’ specifications below), subject to verification and compliance with these Official Rules, and award these two (2) contestants the Bonus Prize.
The Bonus Prize is: $500 awarded in the Sponsor’s sole discretion as either Cash or a Gift Card, subject to terms and conditions of gift card company policies. A maximum total of (1) Bonus Prize per dealer location will be awarded. NOTE: The grand prize will NOT be awarded for any contestant who rolls all 6-dice face-up during a Bonus Prize Roll-Off attempt.
Roll Off Requirements: In the event of any tie among eligible contestants at the conclusion of any of the (2) Grand Prize dice roll contest (i.e. each contestant has rolled the same number of winning sides), Sponsor shall conduct a ‘Roll-Off’ among the tied contestants (if all contestants are present), or may elect to conduct a random drawing at its sole discretion. In the event of a roll-off, each tied contestant shall receive one (1) additional roll of the dice. The contestant who rolls the most winning sides during the ‘Roll Off’ will be declared the Bonus Prize winner. In the event of a remaining tie after the first Roll-Off attempt, the process will continue until there is only one contestant remaining who will be declared the respective winner. NOTE: The grand prize will NOT be awarded for any contestant who rolls all 6-dice face-up during a Roll-Off contest attempt.
Prize winner(s) will be required to complete and return a W-9 form (if prize value exceeds $600.00), affidavit of eligibility, and liability/publicity release (Tennessee residents need not sign publicity release), and present a valid U.S. driver’s license and social security card before prize will be awarded. Winners of prizes greater than $600.00 will be issued a 1099 form reflecting the value of the prize(s) and are responsible for paying all income taxes on prize(s). Failure to collect or properly claim any prize in accordance with these rules will result in forfeiture of the prize. If forfeited for any reason, contestant will not receive any other prize substitution or compensation. Total maximum retail value of all available prize awards: $200,000 (not including Daily Prizes).
Additional Rules & Restrictions: By participating in this contest, entrants agree to abide by and be bound by the Official Rules and the decisions of the Administrator, which shall be final in all matters relating to this contest. In the event an entrant wins a prize, and is later found to be in violation of these rules he/she will be required to forfeit the prize or to reimburse Sponsor for the stated value of the prize if such violation is discovered after winner has used the prize. Participation in contest constitutes permission for the Sponsor and its agencies to use winners’ names and/or likenesses for purposes of advertising and trade in any media worldwide without limitation or further compensation unless prohibited by law. False, fraudulent or deceptive entries or acts shall render entrants ineligible for any prize.
Sponsor and Administrator are not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing or advertising of the offer, administration or execution of the contest or in the announcement of the prizes/prize winners. By accepting prizes, winners agree to hold sponsor, and released parties (collectively “Releasees”), from any claims, losses, actions, or damages of any kind, whether actual, incidental or consequential, for injury (including but not limited to death), damages, losses or expenses arising out of or relating to entrant’s participation in this contest, or the acceptance, possession or use/misuse of any prize, or participation in prize-related activities (including but not limited to travel related thereto), and to assume all liability in connection therewith.
Releasees shall not be liable to any winner, entrant or any other person for failure to supply the prize or any part thereof by reason of any acts of God, any actions, regulations, orders, or requests by any governmental entity, equipment failure, terrorist acts, war, fire, unusually severe weather, embargo, labor dispute or strike, labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, or any other cause beyond Releasees’ sole control. No more than the advertised maximum number of prizes will be awarded for any reason.
IN CASE OF DISPUTES: By participating, each entrant agrees that (1) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with this Contest, or any prizes awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and any judicial proceeding shall take place in a federal or state court within the State of New Jersey; (2) any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Contest, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (3) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, and consequential damages, and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of entrant and Sponsor in connection with this Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions (whether of the State of New Jersey or any other jurisdiction), that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of New Jersey.
Odds: The odds of completing the grand prize winning requirements by successfully rolling the dice are: 1:46,656.
Winners List: For a copy of these official rules or name of the Prize winner(s), send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Cutrubus Automotive Team ALLWIN Dice Roll Contest, c/o Cutrubus Automotive Team, 1230 North Main Street, Layton, UT 84041. . Please specify which you are requesting. Requests must be received by 7/27/2019.
Sponsor/Administrator: This Promotion is Sponsored and Administered by Cutrubus Automotive Team, 1230 North Main Street, Layton, UT 84041