
This Guy Could Be The Best Looking Guy EVER! People Have Created 43 Fake Dating Accounts

Fake Dating Profiles: The Daily Star claims a male model from Manchester, England has hired a private detective because men have stolen his pictures and created 43 fake online dating profiles.

Matt Peacock says women all over the world are being duped by men using his pictures. “I am a fashion model by trade so there are a lot of pictures of me out there. I started getting messages from girls I had never seen before saying they had been talking to someone pretending to be me. There were 43 different profiles that used my picture, and it wasn’t just one person doing it. It affected me and my whole family. We spoke to one girl who the catfish had targeted, pretending to be me. I vowed then to do all I could to sort this out. Something needs to be done and if people knew pretending to be someone else online was an offence then they might be put off.”


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